Overcome Eye Strain

Aug 01, 2016

For the most part, everything we do is right in front of our eyes. We face our computer screen both at work and at home, we focus on our tablet screen, and some may sit close to the television when playing video games. It’s no wonder our eyes hurt at the end of the day! Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help avoid eye strain and the symptoms that come along with it.

Give Your Eyes a Break

Many of us use a computer for our job. Therefore, it is safe to say our eyes are glued to our computer screen approximately 40 hours a week – if not more. The result is eye strain, which can cause a number of health issues, including but not limited to headaches, eye pain, blurry vision, neck pain, dry eyes, etc.

Here are some tips to help you prevent eye strain before the pain begins.

First, be sure to take breaks from your computer screen (or tablet or television) throughout the day. Some researchers state that for every 20 minutes that you sit in front of a computer screen or television, you should look away for at least 20 seconds. Or, take a 10-minute break away from your computer every two hours to help alleviate eye strain.

Second, don’t forget to blink. When staring at a computer screen, many forget to blink or do not realize they haven’t blinked as frequently as they should. This causes your eyes to burn because blinking moistens the eye, and by not blinking, you have prevented your eyes from being washed. Take active note of how often you are blinking while staring at a device.

Visit our website today to learn how we can help with a number of eye issues for any and all ages!