Be Nice to Your Eyes This Holiday

Dec 15, 2016

See How Your Eyes Might Be Just as Thankful This Thanksgiving!

Nov 15, 2016

If you think Thanksgiving is only pleasing to your stomach, guess again! In fact, Thanksgiving can be quite a feast for your eyes.

Keep Your Eyes on Thanksgiving!

Sweet potatoes, turkey and cranberries—oh my! Do you know what all of these delicious Thanksgiving dishes have in common? They’re all friends to your tastebuds and your eyes!

What’s Thanksgiving without a turkey? This main dish has been a feature of the Thanksgiving holiday for years and years! Why should you make sure it ends up on your Thanksgiving table? For starters, not only is turkey absolutely delicious, but it’s also loaded in zinc, which is a very good friend to your eyes. Zinc helps reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and prevent cataracts from progressing.

In addition to the zinc in turkey, cranberries also help with cataract prevention. Vitamins A and C, which are both found in cranberries, help to decrease a person’s risk of AMD and cataracts, much like turkey.

And of course, no Thanksgiving meal is complete without sweet potatoes! Both a friend to the stomach and the eyes, sweet potatoes are also packed with vitamins A and C, helping to prevent cataracts and AMD.

So, when planning your meal for Thanksgiving, don’t forget to add these eye-healthy dishes to the list!

*At Allied Health, we want to wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! Be sure to make an appointment or call our office if an eye emergency occurs over the holiday weekend. We are here to serve you!


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