Diabetic Eye Disease: What You Need To Know

Nov 16, 2020

November is #DiabeticEyeDiseaseAwarenessMonth

If you’ve received a diabetes diagnosis, you may not have thought about how the disease can affect your eyes. Adjusting to the diabetic lifestyle involves revamping your eating habits, exercising regularly and keeping up with your blood sugar levels—all time-consuming tasks. However, as with other serious chronic medical conditions, it’s important to know how diabetes can affect your entire body. That’s why Allied Eye joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in observing Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month each November.

What We're Thankful For: Our Patients

Nov 05, 2020
As we are surrounded by another beautiful Tennessee autumn, we are reminded that we’ve entered into a season of Thanksgiving. 2020 has brought unique challenges, but also many blessings. At Allied Eye, one of the things we’re most thankful for are our patients. We quite literally couldn’t exist without you!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Oct 20, 2020

Here at Allied Eye, we consider it an honor to join the Susan G. Komen Foundation in the fight to end breast cancer forever. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) and we are pleased to announce several opportunities for you to join us in providing hope and help to those struggling with this disease.

Three Options for Better Vision

Oct 12, 2020

If your vision isn’t what it used to be, there’s no reason to settle for living life out of focus. Thanks to technological advances, there are more solutions for common vision problems than ever before.

Corrective lenses are still the most common method of vision correction. They’re affordable, customized for you, and the prescription can easily be changed when needed. If you want something more permanent, LASIK refractive surgery may be the perfect solution. If your vision problems are caused by cataracts, a lens implant can restore your vision. Read on to learn more about Allied Eye’s top three pathways to better vision.

Halloween Eye Safety

Oct 01, 2020
Halloween is a festive time that people of all ages look forward to, but it can be shockingly hazardous to your eyes. Common costume accessories, including contact lenses, eyelashes, makeup and masks can lead to a frightful variety of vision problems.
Keep reading to learn some of the ways Halloween can be hard on your eyes and get tips for keeping your eyes safe this Halloween season.

The ZEISS Clarus 500 - Our New Imaging System

Sep 14, 2020

Everyone gets excited over obtaining a new gadget—ophthalmologists included! Our office is excited to tell you about our new camera from ZEISS, the Clarus 500. This new imaging system makes our jobs easier—and improves our patients’ lives!

September Is Healthy Aging Month!

Sep 01, 2020

Our COVID-19 Protocols

Aug 27, 2020

See The Difference With PanOptix Lens

Aug 17, 2020

Meet Our New Optometrist! Dr. Kelly Herron, O.D.

Aug 03, 2020